Aquatronics, now AAP Spectrogram Aquarium Treatments
Updated 11/2/21
This short "Fish as Pets, Aquatic/Aquarium News" article deals with misinformation about "AAP Spectrogram" from an old but still often read post from a popular and generally accurate forum (although not in this case as per accuracies based on a couple statements)

Taken from:
Now Defunct Aquatronics; From Aquaria Central
I will provide quotes & then corrections for two incorrect statements
- QUOTE: "Personally I believe part of the reason they went out of business was because of Mardel, who's products, in my experience, are more effective and a lot more well-known."
This is patently incorrect, on both statements.
First, while all reasons for so-called "business failure" of this long time icon of professional aquarium keepers is not known, one of the reasons was the pressure from discounters such as Dr. Foster & Smith that has grown more with Amazon, Chewy, etc. It is also notewrthy that the company never actually went out of business, they simply ceased selling through normal aquarium supply channels, which unforutnatley as of November 2021 they have once again ceased sales due to the POTUS executive action banning pharmaceutical grade aquarium medications via retailers.
The fact this person made this statement shows he likely was a victim of this too since Aquatronics had more than 10 times the products Mardel had, many covering problems no other aquarium medication company ever did or has since.
It is noteworthy too that most aquarium professionals who worked in the field and attended manufacturer trade conventions knew well the commitment this company (Aquatronics) had and generally their products were the first go to product, most definitely NOT Mardel or API (SeaChem if any company was nipping at Aquatronics heals in a meaningful way)
Second, while I already partly answered the point as far as effectiveness goes, is also patently false, since Aquatronics was pharmaceutical grade, covered diseases Mardel did not and even when treating problems such as Columnaris, Maracyn Plus does not even come close to AAP Spectrogram.
Further Reading as per Columnaris:
Columnaris in Fish; How to Treat/Prevent from an Experienced Aquarium Professional - QUOTE: Furan-2 is also an Aquatronics product, however...
Furan Two is by API which others corrected already, but what was not corrected is that it DOES NOT replace Spectrogram. What is also noteworthy is that Furan 2 is NOT pharmaceutical grade, while the nitrofurazone in AAP Professional Treatments "Spectrogram" is.
It is a proven fact both scientifically and by 1000s of professional applications that for many diseases, most notably Columnaris, that Furan 2 by itself is not enough (nor is Kanamycin).
Spectrogram combines both Nitrofurazone and Kanamycin in a synergistic blend that each by themselves or even used combined, does NOT work as well a a product that already combines the two so that these ingredients are treated at EXACTLY the same time to achieve this synergistic effect - QUOTE: AAP was once Aquatronics
This is incorrect.
AAP has been in business since 1978 (originally as Carl's Aquarium) and has been well known for their "information first, products second" philosophy with the largest in the world free aquarium information library.
AAP has simply picked up this line of products and re-branded as "AAP PRO Treatments"
AAP (American Aquarium Products) has been able to bring back some of these "Aquatronics" products (now as AAP Professional Treatments", including Spectrogram via AAP's founder (Carl S) long time professional acquaintances in the industry going all the way back to "Archie's House of Pets" chain in the 1970s.
He has ordered the products in bulk vials and used photocopied instructions to keep the price actually lower than using lessor effective products such as the before mentioned Kanaplex/Furan 2 combination!
A few unique products brought back by AAP that have no other equals (including from Mardel, API or Seachem) include AAP Wound Control (a must have product to always have on hand), AAP Res-Q, Myacin, and AAP Naladin.
A few other "AAP Pro Treatments" (Aquatronics) products that while not as unique, are still the best at what they are meant for include Super Ich Plus, Greenex, Super Velvet Plus, & Sheildex.
AAP Professional Treatments (previously Aquatronics)
AAP Professional Aquarium & Pond Medications
Labels: Aquaria Central Spectrogram, Aquatronics, Aquatronics Spectrogram, Naladin, Spectrogram, Super Ich Plus, Wound Control