Aquarium Forum/Yahoo Answers Hall of Shame #7; UV Sterilizers for Aquariums (Again) Part 2
Once again Yahoo Answers allowed a plagiarized post to stand as a best answer (even with multiple complaints).
In this answer, a person plagiarized and pasted points out of context from my UV Sterilization Article. He even contradicts his opening comments by using my material.
First I will post the Yahoo Answers so called “best answer” (with my plagiarized content in italics), followed by corrections:
UV sterilizers are good in multi-tank systems where risk of parasites and disease are great. In the average tank, it will destroy all the beneficial bacteria and tiny critters that are needed to maintain healthy life.
One on the big drawbacks of using one is that not all of the water and organisms will pass through the sterilizer, making it somewhat ineffective to control the problem.
UV sterilization will not cure infected fish of bacterial or fungal diseases. A UV can aid in cure by killing bacterial pathogens in the water column and fungal spores, also by improvement of the Redox potential and general water quality.
A UV sterilizer will not kill ich trophozoites already on the fish (but then medications don’t either), but UVC can again slow the spread of ich tomites in the water column (but usually not out right kill ich tomites).
A UV sterilizer will not kill beneficial bacteria such aerobic bacteria, as this bacterium is effective when attached to a surface of high water flow such as the sponge of a sponge filter, not when in the water column. It is best to turn off a Sterilizer unit when introducing bacteria to seed a new aquarium.
UV Sterilization will not remove or destroy algae growing on tank or pond sides, rocks, decorations, etc.
UV Sterilization will NOT make up for poor aquarium maintenance practices such as over crowding, over feeding, inadequate filtration, poor cleaning practices, improper water parameters, and more.
For me its not worth getting one not worth the cost I myself never use one...
*First of all he contradicts the opening paragraph by pasting my content in paragraph #5, as he is dead wrong when it comes to real research.
*Second he does not even allow the asker to read the article for himself by referencing the article from which he plagiarized content (which is supposedly a rule in Yahoo Answers)
*Third, shame on Yahoo Answers for not removing clearly plagiarized content that was used to deliver incorrect information to an asker after this was called to Yahoo’s attention by several persons.
Yahoo Answers is CLEARLY not interested in providing useful information for its readers/askers by allowing this to stand after being notified of the issue.
BTW, if Yahoo were to claim that this is a matter of opinion, my response is twofold; Wrong, these are facts; Two, and more importantly this material was plagiarized and NOT cited/referenced for the readers to make up their own mind.
I will not provide a direct link, as I do not want to lend any credit to Yahoo Answers, so please paste this link into your browser if you would like to read the full thread (including comments made after the answer was awarded best answer):
The bottom line is; a properly set up UV Sterilizer is not essential, however it is a major piece of equipment for any aquarium or pond keeper that is serious about disease prevention and water quality (UV Sterilization improves Redox too). If you do add a UV Sterilizer to your aquarium, it is important to provide regular maintenance of your UV Sterilizer as well such as changing the UV Bulbs on a regular schedule for maximum effectiveness.
Please see these articles for much more about UV Sterilization:
*UV Sterilization
*UV Sterilizer Articles/ Posts
*Aquarium Forum/Blog Hall of Shame 5; UV Sterilizers Part 1
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