Google terrible Aquarium and Pond Search results as well as Google Adsense Plagiarism and Refusal to respond to DMCA Complaints, and Websites that Participate in this.
Updated 7-15-20
In this latest addition of Aquarium/Pond "Hall of Shame", I will call out Google whose disingenuous motto is "Don't be evil".
Yet with their use of plagiarized content to place Google Adsense while denying the original content any revenue from Adsense is ANYTHING BUT GOOD!
For those who do not agree, please simply search "Google IS evil" and you will find so much factual information, much of which deals with Adsense Corruption. See this article for one such example: Google; More Evil than you think!
Before I go on to the "meat" of this article I will answer the question of what this subject has this to do with aquarium/pond keeping?
Well admittedly not too much,, HOWEVER if Google continues to tweak their algorithm to favor "cut & paste" aquarium or pond care/supply websites, good researched aquarium information will be much more difficult to find with the end result being your lack of ability to find information to best care for your finned friends.
It is noteworthy that as of July 2013, Google search results have gotten even more spammy!!
A example would be "Aquarium Lighting" where spammy cut and paste information ( & others) has leapt to the top of search while the most researched and in depth article on this subject has fallen from page 1 to page 3, UTTERLY DISGUSTING!!
Another example would be where the very in depth and research "Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle" article has fallen well below other cut and paste websites that include one that even recommends the long ago discredited "Raw Shrimp cycling method!! Good job Google, NOT!!
One more example that is really bad in Google Search (not so DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) is for the term "Aquarium UV Sterilization".
Since this is a search for a process, that is what I expect; HOWEVER Google brings up products, including crap from PetCo and Amazon that does not even perform true level one UV Sterilization!!!
What is interesting is the article: "UV Sterilization" disappeared from Google search about the time it was plagiarized by, as it appears Google allowed a newer article to usurp information that has been on this article for years, and is the results of much research.
I also suspect, considering it totally dropped off only Google Search that this was a manual removal (not the algorithm), which further makes this utterly disgusting that someone at Google would so blatantly allow my life's work content be used by someone else and then PENALIZE ME for their plagiarism.
On a positive note, after legal threats, did credit me back with a hyper link that I was indeed the source for this quoted information.
Here is an excerpt of the content that was initially used without permission, but I have to give credit that did in the end do the "moral and right thing":
"As for the Redox Balance, this is an often overlooked aspect of both freshwater and saltwater aquarists. The Redox Balance is basically the oxidation and reduction properties of water (the oxidation side of Redox).
Most experts now agree that the Redox should be +300 to -100 mV for marine or +125 to -200 mV for freshwater for healthy fish immunity, which a UV Sterilizer can help maintain this balance."
RESOURCE: "UV Aquarium & Pond Sterilization"
As well if I were a consumer looking for a good product, I would want a search engine to bring up a website that not only sells a certain product I am looking for, but one that is backed by fact based, researched, & regularly updated information about such products.
HOWEVER the FACTS are Google does NOT do this when it comes to product searches in the aquarium or pond supply field.
Finally, I should point out, I too have a family to feed, and employees to pay. So when Google allows plagiarism of my intellectual property, this steals revenues we would have from advertising, and more so loss of reader base which often becomes a customer base. The result here is while I do enjoy helping persons with their aquarium and pond problems, if I cannot pay my bills; I will have to move on to another endeavor.
This results in my many articles from Aquarium Information to Aquarium Answers and many others places as well as my free advice in forums coming to an end.
In fact as per the most recent update of this article the problem of misinformation and spam website coming ahead of sound researched aquarium or pond websites has continued to grow.
If this is not a problem to you or morals are for someone else, go ahead and continue to use Google as your search engine or for other services as well as the many politicians that take generous donations from Google.
Example: Google 'Second Biggest Donor' to Obama, Has Too Much Power
For me, morals are important. Even then if only for selfish reasons, if I were to support other businesses other than ones that help me out, often with free in depth information, it only hurts me in the end. This is also reason alone to NOT support the immoral company that Google is.
However part of the problem with Google is that they often employ persons with "Justin Bieber" type attitudes that might be real pros at what they do at Google, however they have no real world experience and no understanding at all for the knowledge others might have in their field of endeavor. The results is staff at Google challenging me or others as to what makes our websites better than others.
There is no difference than these Google staffers calling out a pHd researcher in pancreatic cancer who claims an article on or a similar site that has a poor information article about pancreatic cancer and challenging his knowledge about cancer research.
YET GOOGLE staffers have done just this in the few conversations I have had!!!
If you are looking for better, less spammy, and more honest search results, besides Yahoo or Bing, consider Duck Duck Go, this search engine appears "get it right" in most of the aquarium/pond information/product searches.
See also this Fish as Pets article where Google's Continued Promotion of Cut and Paste Spam sites such as eHow have made quality information often difficult to find, with potential disastrous results for fish keepers:
Aquarium Planaria
What is now noteworthy, from the heavy handed Google Apps Infrastructure Transition, to Google recently being caught with their "Street View" stealing persons WiFi Data; many in the media and SEO circles are finally, albeit late, joining the party that finally recognizes that Google simply IS an EVIL company.
See: Google's Street View Spying Was No Accident
Sadly plagiarism of my many articles that represent more than 3 decades experience and 1000s of hours of ongoing research continues at quite the pace.
Worse though is Google in their constant dishonesty no longer answers DMCA complaints knowing full well the cost of legal action from persons such as myself is impossible (this includes Google being caught red handed stealing private information via Google "Street View").
This is not just me, here is a quote from the FCC Report of April 2012:
For many months Google deliberately impeded and delayed the Bureau's investigation by failing to respond to requests for material information and provide certifications and verifications it its responses
As well the legal profession has yet to produce an attorney with the "balls" to force a class upon this disgusting and immoral company that is literally making billions with Google Adsense while refusing to pay one dime to those such as myself from whom the content is/was stolen.
Since some of the companies that place Advertising on stolen content are major buyers of Google Ads, it is highly profitable for Google to NOT force the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).
In a most recent plagiarism discovery, my "Aquarium Chemistry" article (first draft) was illegally used.
Two major players in this copyright infringement that also do NOT answer to complaints are:
*Dr. Fosters & Smith
*Water Ionizer Expert
Both of the above have Advertised on this Plagiarized Content:
The second did call us/me back, but only to insult me and call me "nuts" while they laughed their heads off in the back ground.
Why this business (Water Ionizer Expert) felt compelled to verbally abuse me over attempting to defend my life's work that I put out for reader to use for free is beyond me.
However, a little research shows that Water Ionizer Expert is not a company with morals either, since they are scraping others content to sell their products.
I only ask that if someone chooses to use it in a post of their own, that they place hyper links referencing my original content and any advertiser pays ME for the use of MY content to sell their products or services!!
Others with Ads found illegally placed on our content:
*LakeLawnand Pond.Com
See this screen shot for evidence at the time of this post (click to enlarge for a better view):
It is also noteworthy as per the most recent updates, Google is now allowing many websites without original content and not official product sellers to come up ahead of content driven authorized web sites.
A good example is for the AAP Wonder Shell where clearance product on Amazon comes up first with incorrect use information as well as "Aquarium Co-op" which has attempted to usurp with Googles help the official AAP Wonder Shell web page of American Aquarium Products.
Never mind that American Aquarium Products brought this product to market, has vastly more professional use information, has most all other professional web sites pointing to their web page, and has the full line including Medicated Wonder Shells; Googles corrupt pay to play search engine brings up all the crap ahead of the original authorized selling page!!
What I ask of readers is you have found the many FREE articles I have written at:
*Aquarium Information
With many in depth articles such as UV Sterilization, Columnaris, and more.
*Aquarium Answers and MANY other blogs across the Internet helpful, PLEASE boycott or better write or call the before mentioned websites advertising on MY content.
Even if I eventually succeed in removing this website and or the advertisers, this "battle" will continue as I find my copyrighted content posted websites and blogs on a regular basis., with well over 98% involving Google Adsense or some other form of un authorized advertising revenue generation.
By Carl Strohmeyer.
Recommended Aquatic Sites for Information, Products
The article below is a MUST READ for anyone interested in moving from basic aquarium keeping to more advanced aquarium keeping, including better Redox Balance:
Ultraviolet Sterilization, Advanced Aquarium Keeping
UV Replacement Lamps; Aquarium or Pond
For TRUE High Output, Hot Cathode, Low Pressure UVC Germicidal Bulbs, for aquarium or pond. NOT the low output UV bulbs with only 7% UVC sold on many eBay and Amazon web pages that those often using Google Search are duped into buying
Freshwater Aquarium Information & Basics
TMC New Generation Fluidized Sand Bed Filter
Premium, second to NONE Aquarium Bio Filters, that with optional Oolitic Sand, also maintains essential aquarium calcium levels, alkalinity, & electrolytes that are important to ALL Marine life, Goldfish, African Cichlids, Livebearers & more
Aquarium Sponge Filters by ATI & AAP
The Premium ATI Hydro Sponge Filter, from the only online seller with professional use dating back to 1978 (prior to the Internet)
Steven Wright & Carl Strohmeyer
Drs. Foster and Smith stole your article?
ReplyDeleteNo, please read the article.
They are advertising on stolen content
Oh! I was having a hard time following... I understand now.